Friday, March 6, 2009

Think Globally, Act Locally Pathways to the 3 R's Comments & Suggestions

As an online distance learning student at UMUC juggling family, work and school can be an incredible challenge. Getting involved with additional college activities is generally not possible for adult students, whose every minute is already over scheduled. It speaks volumes therefore that the EPA People, Planet and Prosperity grant drew many students and amazing faculty from different backgrounds to develop the " Think Globally, Act Locally, Pathways to the 3 R's" website.

While I personally had never been involved in any environmental endeavour prior to this grant, I learned so much and enjoyed the support of the team in making changes to reduce my carbon footprint and live as sustainably as possible. I hope you will visit our site often and leave inspired to make changes in your own life.

Please use this forum to share not only your comments and suggestions on our site but your own experiences in making your corner of the world a little greener.

Going green can be child's play!

When making changes, large or small, in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, it may be worth following our children's example. My 9 year old twins have always been a model of ingenuity when reusing items. I mean who knew an apron could double as a headscarf or slippers make great beds for kittens or that almost anything makes terrific scenery for legos! Even when we think that no one could possibly want or use our "stuff" our children remind us that maybe there is someone with the vision to breathe new life into them. Donating is always better than the landfill.

Reducing our consumption may seem daunting but I know from experience that my children can make soap and shampoo last for months. I'm considering nominating them for an award because this kind of dedication at such a young age is truly inspiring. If it saves the planet I can live with a little dirt behind the ears.

Recycling is a natural for children, anything that protects the environment, helps animals and generally makes the world a better place will get kids attention. They are our planet's best defender in the wake of irresponsible grown ups. So when I get weary of washing another piece of trash for the recycling bin (using my dirty dish water of course!) or using cloth napkins instead of paper ones I just need to remind myself if my kids can do it so can I!